Did a Sastasha run with a noob tank (who did really well) and some other fun on twitch last night, here is the video for those who missed it on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm_yVy4jHdY
Fair warning I’m still fiddling with the recording process while playing on twitch so its best to watch this video in HD and not lower definition as FFXIV gets pretty busy on screen
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About Chronicler
I started gaming at a very young age and grew up during the early 90′s during the tween of 2D to 3D allot of great games came out around that time and I don’t hear enough people talk about them. I decided as a result to start this site review those games in different degrees to talk about games old and new hopefully providing historical context for them. I don’t pretend to be a gaming guru or even the most skilled but I’m a gamer who started with $20 and an NES and never stopped, I hope only to em part my view point and reserve a spot for video games in history.