Microsoft E3 speed mode

A quick run down of everything I saw at the Microsoft E3 press briefing

The 360 will have a few fun titles to come, mostly stuff we have seen however a surprise World of war tanks
The game will be coming to xbox360 as a free to play, possibly a graphics update to go with it, it’s not a great everyone can play game, but I’ve had fun and I do recommend giving it a Google if nothing else.

Two Free Games a month
Its pretty clear Microsoft wants to prove continued payment towards Xbox live are worth it,and as such there will now be two free game released each month for Xbox live gold members, starting with Assassin’s Creed 2 and Halo 3, if nothing else it’s a nice consolation prize in comparison to similar services granted by Playstation plus.

Xbox One

To quickly get this out-of-the-way the Xbox one will now feature direct integration with twitch along with the Upload Studio which serves as a nice way to show off games that you enjoy on your Xbox, not too many features beyond simple clip editing and voice over, along with movie skins that act like the presets in iMovie for Macintosh, Let’s players will get a kick out of this but those who want to do critical reviews will probably need to hold on to their capture cards for a bit longer as the system doesn’t seem to lend itself to critical analysis.

Also background match making may be just what you’re looking for, if you don’t mind having your game interrupted to go play something that probably has really long wait times for multiplayer.

[box]oh and its $499.99 American (roughly $530), and the stupid points system is now dead[/box]


Ryse: Son Of Roam

Ever want to play God of war on your 360, well now you can on the Xbox one, it’s a good-looking title with lots of cinematic gore, If I can be convinced to buy this console (GOOD LUCK) then it would definitely be a title to own.


Little Big Planet 3D with AI controls.


because there was no game play from insomniac I’m lead to believe this is a game about shooting mutants in multiplayer as Tarzan in Manhattan.

Forza 5

This is a title that actually managed to make use of the cloud in a meaningful way having everyone you drive against be AI ghosts that mimic the driving styles of real Xbox live player, although like woody says though this is kinda just falling in style.

Crimson Dragon

Because Lair would be better without sixaxis and more colors

Dead Rising 3

bigger town, improvised weapons, and we added cars

Witcher 3, Battlefield 4, Halo

only one is an exclusive, the other gets early dlc, and the one I haven’t talked about will be freaking awesome on my PC

black tusk studio

its a thing

Titan fall

An interesting mash-up of call of duty and mech-games. I dig giant robots and call of duty I think it’s a must own for the console (though not an exclusive) and do recommend a googling this title.




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