What if M rated games where only sold to adults like their cinema counterparts. Not to shield children, but to build for adult interests. Currently every game made assumes children…
Sequels for the One Off
As a nerd I hate when a story decides a universe ends with its main characters. Recently it’s been suggested that the “One Off” video game is too expensive to…
The Fan Fiction Game
I think you can’t rate Shadow Run solely on its included story; Shadow Run should, instead, be rated on its ability to allow amateur game designers, fan fiction writers, and…
Can we be honest about JRPGs?
I am a JRPG Fan, and I’m not entirely embarrassed about that fact. What little embarrassment there is often stems from games that slip past judgement and become hallmarks of…
Make a new product before ruining this one
Ever play a video game that seems like it’s trying too hard to be a different video game? Need for Speed Shift, I would have liked it if only the…
What Should An Online Console Be
There is a way to make a reasonable online console without making a DRM monster. Sony and Microsoft can now, with their internet enabled consoles, build policies and practices that…